
Hello ! This is Mami , I’m a MUJIholic😊  I went to new  MUJI which is  hotel+diner +bakery in there💨


I wanted to stay hotel but just went to see lobby✨ You can read books even though you don’t stay there!


Today’s purpose is Diner !  I went weekday around noon but 58 groups were waiting … I gave up !

でも何か買わなくては!とりあえず無印のパン屋さんでパンは買えました😻国産小麦を使っていているのに値段も90円からとリーズナブル。私はロールパンが好きでした⤴️ ムジラーの方は是非😉

I have to buy something ! I bought some breads😻 Those are made of domestic wheat but those are from ¥90~reasonable ! I liked roll bread⤴️ I recommend you guys if you are MUJIholic😉