夏休みカナダ旅行バンフ編③Summer trip in Banff③

バンフ編③最後はコロンビア氷河です!人生で初めて氷河を見ました。それまで氷河は海にしかないと思っていたので驚きました😵日本では見れないと思うのでカナディアンロッキーに旅行の時は是非⭐️氷河の上にいけるバスツアーもありますよ☺️    北畑真実

Banff③:This is last !Colunbia Glacier ! It was first time to see glacier . I thought the glacier was only in the sea so I was surprised😵 I recommend it when you go to Canadian Rocky⭐️There are some bus tours go on glacier☺️  Mami Kitahata

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夏休みカナダ旅行バンフ編②Summer trip in Banff②


This is trip to Banff 2nd! I introduce Johnson canyon hiking this time❗️Johson canyon is in Banff National Park. I don’t know how much large the park is because too large LOL I’m out of shape so I chose easy hiking trail that takes about an hour .  I wasn’t tired at all even though I was walking on a trail because of the scenery was beautiful and negative ions came out😉(for easy trail,isn’t it?) I recommend you guys that for next summer vacation♫



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夏休みカナダ旅行バンフ編① Summer trip in Banff ①

夏休みを長く頂き有難うございました😊とりあえず1回目のブログを❤️10日間の連休でロッキー山脈のあるバンフとハピネスのあるトロントと行って来ました!まず成田から直行便でカルガリーへ9時間ちょっとのフライトです🛫カリガリーからは車やバスで1時間半ぐらいでロッキー山脈のある街バンフ。今年はカナダ150周年のお祝いで国立公園が無料です✨街もキレイですが景色が絶景です!特に湖!写真は有名なLake LuiseとMoraine Lake。個人的にはMoraine Lakeの方が好きです😆自然を感じたい方は是非バンフへ❗️

Thank you for  summer vacation😊This is 1st vacation blog for now❤️I took 10days off to go Rocky Mountains in Banff and Toronto where are our sister salons there ! It takes 9 hours to Calgary from Narita🛫 It takes 1 hour and half to go Banff by car or buss. Canada celebrates the 150th anniversary and National parks are free✨In the town is beautiful also landscape is superb! Especially lake! The phots are  famous Lake Luise and Moraine Lake .  Personally, I prefer Moraine Lake😆 Go to Banff to feel nature❗️

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September schedule 🍀Hairhappiness Musashikoyama

Hello everyone⭐️

I feel like summer is almost over 😩

How was your summer?did you enjoy it?too much beer? 🍻 Too much tanned with the sun?☀️🏝😎 I hope you had lots of fun😊

Here is September schedule at Hair Happiness  Musashikoyama location! Please check this out!






We will open 10:00-19:00

I will be off every Tuesday and 27th on Wednesday in September 🙏




Enjoy rest of the summer 😉




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