先日初めてバスケ観戦に行きました。川崎vs滋賀🏀 どちらのチームのファンでもなかったのですがたまたま滋賀サイドのベンチ裏の席だったので滋賀を応援❗️あとかっこいい人がいたからw
Hello, Everyone ! Do you know there is not only soccer team , but also basketball team in Kawasaki?
I watched B.LEAGUE for the first time . KAWASAKI vs SHIGA🏀 I wasn’t fan of both team but I had a seat on back of SHIGA bench so I cheered SHIGA❗️and I found cool guy LOL
It was very fun to watch close to coat that was impressive and speedy . You can enjoy with it even though you don’t know any rules 😉
Anyway I couldn’t take good pictures with players in game😭 Please try watching it❗️
マスコットキャラクターのロウルとうちのカナダ人社長ブレット。ロウル可愛い💕 Those are mascot ROAR and our Canadian president Brett . What a cute ROAR💕
めちゃ選手近い!監督と選手何人かは外国人だったので英語でした! It was very close to players ! Some of them were foreigners so all spoke in English !
こっそり選手と写真を撮ろうとして恥ずかしくて笑いが止まらない私😂 I couldn’t stop laughing because I wanted to take pictures secretly that made me embarrassed 😂